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de Gandini Orcaizaguirre
de Gandini Orcaizaguirre


de Gandini Orcaizaguirre
Description: Ricardo Daniel de Gandini Orcaizaguirre

Arms: Gules, two wyverns combatant, tails joined in point Vert; on a chief Or an eagle displayed Sable, langued Gules, and crowned with an antique crown Or.

Crest: Issuant from a circlet Or embellished with five pearls upon points, a wyvern`s head couped at the neck Vert.

Motto: RECTA FIDES PROFICIT (Righteous faith moves forward).

Armiger location: Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Certification by the Chronicler King of Arms of Spain Don Vicente de Cadenas y Vicent 24th June 1996.

Matriculated in The Court of the Lord Lyon of Scotland 55th page of the 74th volume 27 August 2001.

Artist: The Armiger.
Date: 31.08.2011 17:56
Hits: 70715
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Rating: 1.87 (8 Vote(s))
File size: 259.0 KB
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